76th Annual
Motorcycle Week
Lakes Region of NH
June 13 - 20, 1999

The necessary disclaimers

All photos submitted become property of Dwight A Clark - PC Consulting Services. Dwight A Clark - PC Consulting Services will not be responsible for any photos, hard copy or e-mailed copy, received by us for the purpose of displaying in the Motorcyle Week Gallery. By sending us photo(s), you agree to give up all rights and claims to such photo(s). We can not and will not be held responsible for any photo(s) lost , damaged, or destroyed via US Mail or any other carrier, or through the e-mail process. We reserve the right to reject any photo which we feel is not appropriate or does not fit the theme of this site. All photos in "Mike's Galleries" are property of Mike & Donna Quint and are posted to this site with their permission. If you do not wish to have your photo appear on this page, let us know and we will remove it immediatley.

OK, enough of that. This is suppose to be fun.....get back to the bikeweek page!!!